The influence of some technological measures on long pepper seed crop Capsicum annuum L. var. longum
Through this scientific work, it was aimed to make a modest contribution to the development of knowledge in the field of research in vegetable cultivation and especially that of the conservation of local varieties through own research on the production of seeds in different conditions of density and fertilization.
These partial results are the subject of the present work.
An experiment will be organized according to three factors: the biological material used to establish the experiments was seed from the biological category S.A. (author's seed) Capsicum annuum L. var. longum cultivar ‘Orange’. This cultivar is part of the collection of the Iernut Vegetable Research and Development Station.
From the combination of experimental factors, 8 experimental variants resulted, placed in blocks subdivided into three repetitions, the surface of the experimental plot being 12.6 m2 and the entire experiment 302.4 m2. Presenting the significance of the differences of the eight variants resulting from the interaction fertilization × density × fruit load it can be said that the highest production is recorded in the variant with chemical fertilization, density of 45 thousand, all fruits with a production of 2.81 kg m‑2 and a production increase of 6% compared to the distinctly significant control variant.
Regarding the organic fertilization of 45,000, all the fruits reach a production increase of 0.74% compared to the same significant control.
Regarding plant development and the biometric results obtained, we can say that they were influenced by chemical fertilization, and regarding density, they had the best results with 30,000 plants.
Popa, D., Chiper, I.-L. and Chiper, L.-I. (2025). The influence of some technological measures on long pepper seed crop Capsicum annuum L. var. longum. Acta Hortic. 1416, 523-530
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.67
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.67
density, experiments, fertilization, production, plant