Effect of cultivar and plant density on plant growth, pods yield and green grains yield of broad bean (Vicia faba L.)
Cultivar and plant density are two main factors known to greatly influence both pod and seed yield as well as the economic profitability of broad bean crop.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of three plant densities (150,000, 200,000 and 250,000 plants ha‑1) on some plant characteristics, pods and grains yield of two broad bean cultivars, ‘Karmazin’ and ‘De Monica’, in climatic conditions of NE Romania.
In this experiment, the studied growth and yield related characteristics were plant height, number of stems plant‑1, number of internodes stem‑1, number of pods plant‑1, number of seeds pod‑1, while quantitative traits were pods weight, grains weight pod‑1, pod yield and grains yield.
Regarding cultivar influence on analysed characteristics, the ‘Karmazin’ cultivar showed the highest values in terms of plant height (83.51 cm), number of stems plant‑1 (2.76) and number of seeds pod‑1 (4.25), pods (16995.37 kg ha‑1) and grains (6680.86 kg ha‑1) yield, while ‘De Monica’ cultivar obtained the highest values in terms of number of internodes stem‑1 (15.99) and number of seeds pod‑1 (4.44), pod weight (27.10 g) and green grain weight pod‑1 (8.46 g). Relating to plant density influence on analysed characteristics, it was observed that the plant height increases with the increasing in plant density (from 74.00 to 76.72 cm), while the number of stems plant‑1 (from 2.39 to 2.79), number of internodes stem‑1 (from 15.49 to 16.04) and number of pods plant‑1 (from 3.16 to 3.88) increases with the decrease in plant density.
Pod yield (from 13517.50 to 17627.78 kg ha‑1) and green grain yield (from 4728.37 to 6354.96 kg ha‑1) increases, according to plant density.
Regarding cultivar × plant density influence on analysed characteristics, a significant increase was observed of plant height (84.58 cm), pod yield (19125.00 kg ha‑1) and green grain yield (7614.45 kg ha‑1) at ‘Karmazin’ × 250,000 plants, a significant increase in number of stems plant‑1 (3.00), number of internodes stem‑1 (16.51) and number of pods plant‑1 (4.77) at ‘Karmazin’ × 150,000 plants and a significant increase in pod weight (27.66 g) and seeds weight pod‑1 (8.71 g) at ‘De Monica’ × 250,000 plants.
Horaicu, A., Teliban, G.C., Cojocaru, A., Stoleru, V., Stan, T. and Munteanu, N. (2025). Effect of cultivar and plant density on plant growth, pods yield and green grains yield of broad bean (Vicia faba L.). Acta Hortic. 1416, 531-536
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.68
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.68
number of pods per plant, plant hight, seeds weight per pod