An in-depth analysis of cabbage seed production with ‘Silviana’ cultivar across varied planting dates and densities

A. Bute, P.M. Brezeanu, S. Ambăruș, A. Antal-Tremurici, C. Brezeanu, N. Munteanu
Vegetable plants within the Brassicaceae family, particularly those belonging to the cabbage group, are typically propagated by seeds. The production of high-quality seeds constitutes a multifaceted endeavour, demanding expertise not only from a scientific standpoint but also encompassing organizational and technological perspectives. Efficient cabbage seed production is pivotal for agricultural sustainability, and this study explores the intricate relationship between planting dates, planting densities, and the resulting phenological attributes and seed yields in the ‘Silviana’ cultivar. Our research focused on two key aspects. The first aspect consists in an in-depth analysis of the phenological development, encompassing the reproductive phase of cabbage plants with a keen eye on flowering dynamics and inflorescence development. The second aspect is referring to a detailed examination of seed yields across the experimental variants. Preliminary results indicate a conspicuous interaction between planting dates and densities on phenological traits, revealing potential for optimizing cabbage seed production. The high planting density demonstrated promising yields, while variations in planting dates elicited distinctive phenological responses. This study not only advances our understanding of the ‘Silviana’ cultivar’s phenotypic plasticity, but also provides practical insights for farmers aiming to enhance cabbage seed productivity. The approach to both phenology and seed yields establishes a foundation for informed decision-making in cabbage seed production, contributing to the broader goal of sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.
Bute, A., Brezeanu, P.M., Ambăruș, S., Antal-Tremurici, A., Brezeanu, C. and Munteanu, N. (2025). An in-depth analysis of cabbage seed production with ‘Silviana’ cultivar across varied planting dates and densities. Acta Hortic. 1416, 59-66
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2025.1416.8
seed yield, planting dates, Brassicaceae, morphophysiology, reproductive phase

Acta Horticulturae