A. Sozzi, G. Granelli, G. Spada
The research has been carried out in a three years period using a water soluble fertilizer (Idronova 21–7–14), a liquid fertilizer 30-0-0 in fertirrigation and traditional fertilisation with ammonium nitrate only in the Spring, in the Ravenna surroundings on two nectarines orchards, the first being in full production and the second a young planting.

Although the fertirrigation, joint with drip irrigation, was always protracted till Autumn, a normal vegetative rankness and a good lignification of the branches at the end of the season was established.

Production and size of fruits were not affected by the different treatments, while the qualitative characteristics of nectarines as firmness, colour, soluble solids and acidity were positively affected by the fertirrigation with dronova 21–7–14, so the organoleptic characteristics resulted better.

In the Ravenna surroundings, the supply of chemical fertilizers to full-production peach orchards is carried out through mainly nitrogenous products given in springtime.

Research has been set up to check whether it is possible to replace traditional fertilization—carried out with solid fertilizers on the ground—with fertirrigation. This technique has been utilized for a long time in Israel, where however pluviometrical conditions substantially differ from those in Italy (S.Maze, 1972; D.Goldberg et al., 1976).

In-depth research into the influence of drip irrigation on productivity and the quality of the fruits has already been carried out (Colorio et al., 1982; Sozzi et al., 1981; Testoni et al., 1982).

The possibility of associating with the automated distribution of water also that of mineral salts may certainly be of interest for time saving and timely intervention in particular moments of trees' need.

Sozzi, A., Granelli, G. and Spada, G. (1985). FERTIRRIGATION AND QUALITY IN NECTARINES (CV. STARK REDGOLD). Acta Hortic. 173, 363-372
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1985.173.41

Acta Horticulturae