In Romania, there are favourable growing conditions for these species, especially in Dobrogea area, along the Danube, from Tr. Saverin down the river and in the Western part of the country where the mean annual temperatures do not come below 8°C (fig. 1).
In the peach assortment, a great improvement was registered during the last 12–15 years. The old peach varieties (Mayflower, Ford, Champion, Bertha, J.H. Halle, etc.) were exclusively propagated in 1960. Since then, those varieties were replaced by world well-known, new ones (fig. 2 a, b).
The research has a great contribution to the peach assortment by breeding new peach varieties, introducing new peach varieties from abroad in the field trials and propagation of the best adapted ones at the ecological, socio-economical conditions in Romania.
In organizing the field testing trials, the main idea was that there are not varieties suitable for all the areas and times.
Many less known or unhandling factors decide the adaptation capacity and therefore, productivity and fruit quality in a specific area. The only factor which could help in choosing the best growing area is the variety itself, its adaptation to the soil, temperature, humidity, sollar radiation and their interaction in the specific area.
In this context, the fruit testing trials have a great importance for the fruit research and production.
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1985.173.9