U. van Meeteren, J. Berghoef, G. Slootweg, A.P. Zevenbergen
Year-round storage of corms of Gladiolus tubergenii 'Rose Charm' and G. nanus 'Nymph' was possible at 0.5°C with good flowering results. High temperature (20°C) during the first 6–12 weeks of the storage period reduced the forcing period and increased the number of flower buds and the weight of inflorescence for 'Rose Charm', while it had no influence on either of these parameters in 'Nymph'.

With 'Nymph', however, the flowering percentage increased by longer periods at 20°C. To obtain inflorescences of good quality, a high temperature (20°C) during the last weeks of storage was necessary for both cultivars. However, by this treatment the forcing period increased, and the flowering percentage decreased. The opposite effect was obtained at 5°C. A combination of 20°C followed by 5°C during the last 10 weeks of the storage period gave a high flowering percentage, a high inflorescence weight and a moderate forcing period.

The forcing period was decreased by 24 hours of supplemental lighting, both by SON/T or incandescent lamps. Flowering percentages, however, were lower with supplemental lighting than under natural conditions.

van Meeteren, U., Berghoef, J., Slootweg, G. and Zevenbergen, A.P. (1986). POSSIBILITIES TO FORCE MINIATURE GLADIOLUS YEAR ROUND?. Acta Hortic. 177, 645-650
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1986.177.113

Acta Horticulturae