K.V. Mullins
Nodal explants from both a 2-year-old seedling and an adult selection (W1005) of C. sativa have given 100% axillary bud break within one month on ½ MS + BA (0.1 mg/l). On MS - ½ NO3 + BA (0.1 mg/l) shoots have further multiplied at a rate of 2–3 fold/3 weeks. Although the seedling material could be rooted in vitro, best rooting occurred in vivo by dipping shoots in Seradix 3 or IBA (1 mg/ml) and planting in fine pumice, in mist (2 sec/20 min), with 25°C bottom heat. No rooting has yet occurred with W1005. Cultures of W1005 have occasionally produced flowers in vitro, and recently have shown symptoms of possible mineral imbalance.
Mullins, K.V. (1987). MICROPROPAGATION OF CHESTNUT (CASTANEA SATIVA MILL.). Acta Hortic. 212, 525-530
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1987.212.80

Acta Horticulturae