N. Yoshikawa, T. Inouye
A survey of strawberry virus diseases was conducted to clarify the distribution of virus diseases and to identify the causal viruses in Japan. Virus indexing of strawberry plants collected from 19 Prefectures indicated that strawberry mild yellow-edge virus (SMYEV) and strawberry mottle virus (SMV) occurred in most Prefectures. On the other hand, incidence of strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) was low in a few Prefectures. In addition, strawberry pseudo mild yellow edge virus (SPMYEV), a disease resembling necrotic shock disease, and strawberry vein yellowing disease (probably a new graft-transmitted strawberry disease) were found to occur in strawberry in Japan. Strawberry crinkle virus (SCV) was not detected in this survey.

Electron microscopy of leaves of known infected plants showed viruslike particles associated with the following diseases: SMYEV (luteovirus); SVBV (caulimovirus); SCV (cytoplasm-associated rhabdovirus); strawberry latent C virus (nucleus-associated rhabdovirus); and SPMYEV (carlavirus).

Yoshikawa, N. and Inouye, T. (1989). STRAWBERRY VIRUSES OCCURRING IN JAPAN. Acta Hortic. 236, 59-68
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1989.236.7