The beds of four rows were spaced at 3 metres, the trees in the bed were spaced at 0.4 × 1.2 metres, corresponding to a planting density of 13 800 trees per hectare.
Planting was in January 1981 with rootstocks budded the following August; the first crop was obtained in 1983.
After six years, very efficient growth control has been obtained with summer pruning and with PP 333 soil treatments.
"Colt" rootstock showed high susceptibility to Agrobacterium tumefaciens and to water stress.
Flowering was abundant in all years, particularly in the upper part of the trees, but fruit set and crop have been very poor; this is due mainly to pollination problems and non favourable climatic conditions.
During 1986 a new trial was begun, including the self-compatible cultivars Lapins and Sunburst.
To reduce the shading of the lower part of the trees, a planting system of four multiple rows with wider spacing (0.50×1.5m) has been adopted.
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1989.243.44