E. Malo
The mango was first introduced to Florida in 1833 by Henry Perrine, but only later introductions became established and prospered. Most of the original introductions came to the lower east coast of the state as potted plants; this was the case with the first 'Mulgoba' tree which arrived in the United Stated in 1889 shipped all the way from India in a tub. Due to their short-lived character, mango seeds were obtainable only from nearby islands, such as Cuba, which occasionally exported fruit to Florida and the eastern markets of the United States. The art of propagating superior types by grafting began in the Miami area when George B. Cellon first successfully patch-budded the mango in 1900. Up to that time "marcottage" was the only method employed to propagate named cultivars.

Today's small but profitable Florida mango industry is the result of a period of active expansion which began in the early 1950's when the majority of the existing productive groves were planted. Although we have not obtained the sophistication of other fruit industries and probably never will, our harvest season extends, with the use of the proper varieties, from late May to September.

Malo, E. (1972). MANGO CULTURE IN FLORIDA. Acta Hortic. 24, 149-154
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1972.24.27

Acta Horticulturae