The mango, being the chief commercial fruit of Gujarat State occupies the highest area as compared to all other fruits.
The cultivars suitable for the State are Alphanso, Badami (Model), Badami (Vashi), Banarasi Langra, Batli, Beganpalli (Small), Dadamio, Gadhemar, Jamadar, Karanjio, Khandeshi Borario, Malgoba, Neelum, Pachhatio, Pairi, Rajapuri, Kesar, Sardar, Totapuri and Vanraj.
However, most of them lack in one or more economic characters.
The three commercial cultivars Alphanso, Rajapuri and Kesar are grown in different agro-climatic zones of the State.
Alphanso is more suited to the Southern Gujarat where the climate is more humid because of the heavy rainfall (about 200 to 250 cm) and Rajapuri is grown in the middle and North Gujarat where the climate is dry and rainfall is low (about 100 cm). Kesar is grown in the Saurashtra region where rainfall is still low (about 70 to 80 cm).
The information of these cultivars on vegetative, floral and fruit characters presented in the paper will serve a useful purpose in deciding the importance to the fruit industry.
Amin, H.D. (1972). VARIETY SITUATION OF MANGO IN GUJARAT. Acta Hortic. 24, 36-38
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1972.24.5
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1972.24.5