J. Tous, A. Romero, D. Barranco
This article presents the situation of the varietal structure of the olive tree in Catalonia. A survey of the autochthonous varieties in 23 Catalonia areas was conducted during 1987–1988. Using a pomological scheme, 40 cultivars were identified and synonymous and erroneous denominations were established. The plant material was classified into 4 groups, according to their economic importance and geographic diffusion: a) 4 main cultivars; b) 6 secondary cultivars; c) 8 cultivars with some diffusion and d) 22 local cultivars. The main agronomic and commercial characteristics of the most important varieties are summarized. All the different cultivars have been propagated by leafy cuttings and have been introduced into two Spanish collections, located in Reus (Catalonia) and Córdoba (Andalusia).
Tous, J., Romero, A. and Barranco, D. (1990). OLIVE CULTIVARS IN CATALONIA (SPAIN). Acta Hortic. 286, 129-132
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1990.286.25

Acta Horticulturae