L. Ferguson, M. Freeman, S. Sibbett
A step-wise multiple regression analysis using processor payment as the dependent variable (Y) and numerous physical and chemical parameters as the independent variables (X) demonstrated that the primary factor determining Manzanillo olive value at harvest was size. Optimal crop value correlated strongly and significantly with the combined percentage of standard, medium, large and extra large olives 2 seasons out of 3; R2 of 0.93***, 0.93*** and 0.42 (NS) in 1984, 1985 and 1986 respectively. The totaled percentages of olives within these sizes, not weight increases of individual olives within the size categories, produced the increase in value. Individual olives within size categories maintained the same weight through the harvest season regardless of tree crop load.
Ferguson, L., Freeman, M. and Sibbett, S. (1990). ‘MANZANILLO’ OLIVE HARVEST TIMING. Acta Hortic. 286, 433-436
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1990.286.89

Acta Horticulturae