R. Tesi, D. Tosi, A. Nencini, B. Armato, M. Storace
Different aspects of growing early tomatoes in soilles culture in northern Italy have been examined with the aim of finding the best adaptation of new techniques to local horticultural conditions.

The research was carried out at Albenga (SV) in a multispan greenhouse of 880 m2, airheated and equipped with drip-watering, supplying two nutrien solution (2.6 and 3.6 mS/cm, E.C.) intermittently in two types of substrata: rockwool (Groodan) and plyurethane (Aggrofoam). Two tomato cultivars were transplanted on 4 February 1992 ("Nurago" and "Beldor", with determinate and indeterminate growth) and different types of media for seedlings were tested (rockwool and peat cubes). Harvesting started on 28 April and ended on 16 July 1992.

The early production of "Nurago" cultivar was higher on rockwool, with solution at 2.6 mS/cm, E.C., while "Beldor" cultivar was unaffected either by media or by solution concentration. The early production observed in soil cultivation was reduced in both cultivars in comparison with soilles culture. With "Beldor" cultivar the total production was increased from 16.6 to 19.1 Kg/m2 in comparison with soil culture, but in "Nurago" cultivar it was reduced. The two hydroponic growing substrata didn't influence the total production of both cultivars.

The lower solution concentration increased the average fruit weight, but didn't influence the production of first class fruits. The different types of seedlings used for transplanting affected only the height of the first truss and the benning of flowering.

Tesi, R., Tosi, D., Nencini, A., Armato, B. and Storace, M. (1994). RESULTS OF EARLY TOMATO SOILLESS CULTURE IN NORTHERN ITALY. Acta Hortic. 361, 620-625
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1994.361.69

Acta Horticulturae