The increasing pressure on the use of cereals by the human population and livestock feed millers, coupled with a deficit of animal protein intake especially in developing countries necessitate the use of unconventional feedstuffs for livestock production.
One such feedstuff is cassava which has been successfully incorporated into diets of non-ruminants to replace maize completely.
Ruminants can be fed on cassava tuberous roots, foliage, peel and residue obtained after processing cassava.
Evidence so far shows that tubers and peels are good sources of energy which, when fortified, promote positive and high performance in cattle, sheep and goats.
When supplemented with animal proteins, cassava is a suitable addition to the diets of pigs and poultry.
Its use for this purpose is already practiced by small-scale livestock producers.
However, the use of appropriate processing technology to obtain cassava products of high quality will enhance the use of cassava as a livestock feed in small holder units.
Iyayi, E. A. and Tewe, O. O. (1994). CASSAVA FEEDING IN SMALL HOLDER LIVESTOCK UNITS. Acta Hortic. 375, 261-270
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1994.375.26
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1994.375.26
Cassava, small holder units, livestock production