A. Ragozzino, D. Alioto, L. Stavolone
During the 1991 summer several diseased saplings were noted in some areas of Caserta province and, later on, others were found in Salerno and Corsica (France).

The diseased trees display brownish, often concentric, rings on the leaves; leaf dwarfing; bud drop; rosetted tuft of leaves at the end of the twigs; brown spots on the fruits and a slow decline.

Graft transmissibility of the symptoms was proved by inserting bark of infected trees underneath the bark of rooted scions taken from apparently healthy strawberry-trees located in an area where the disease was not present. The first symptoms appeared on the inoculated plants a year later.

Attempts to mechanically transmit viruses from diseased trees to herbaceous plants, were attempted for 2 years by macerating leaves, flowers and fruits with different extractants have been unsuccessful.

Examination of diseased leaf tissue by electron microscopy has revealed in several cells virus-like particles.

Ragozzino, A., Alioto, D. and Stavolone, L. (1995). A VIRUS-LIKE DISEASE OF STRAWBERRY-TREE (ARBUTUS UNEDO L.). Acta Hortic. 385, 110-112
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1995.385.14

Acta Horticulturae