U. Ryschka, G. Schumann, E. Klocke, P. Scholze, M. Neumann
Somatic hybrids were produced by PEG-induced symmetric and asymmetric fusions. Protoplasts from Brassica oleracea var. botrytis ‘Korso’ were used as recipient and protoplasts from Sinapis alba and B. carinata which were either x-ray irradiated or not were used as donor fusions partners. Putative symmetric and asymmetric hybrid plants were separated depending on morphology and characterizated by RAPD-PCR analysis. The differentiated plants obtained by the fusions combinations B. oleracea + B. carinata have a more intermediate phenotype than those of the fusion B. oleracea + S. alba. In the last cases two identified hybrids lines could be multiplied and transferred to soil. These somatic hybrids were resistant against the pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Phoma lingam but susceptible to Alternaria Brassicae.
Ryschka, U., Schumann, G., Klocke, E., Scholze, P. and Neumann, M. (1996). SOMATIC HYBRIDIZATION IN BRASSICACEAE. Acta Hortic. 407, 201-208
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1996.407.24

Acta Horticulturae