R. Cheetham, E. Follansbee, P. Weathers
Euphorbia lathyris (Gopher Purge) produces two or more potential antitumor agents and a rodent repellent. We report here the successful transformation of Euphorbia lathyris seedlings by Agrrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC 15834, resulting in several hairy root clones. The terpenoid production and growth kinetics of these transformed root clones have been studied and compared to normal (Euphorbia) plants. Growth rates of the transformed clones are significantly faster-than normal roots. Regeneration of whole plants from these roots has been attempted. Normal E. lathyris regenerates easily, but the altered endogenous auxin levels and phytohormone sensitivity of the transformed tissues must be counteracted with cytokinins or other regulators, to develop non-root morphologies (callus, etc.). We have determined and compared the terpenoid levels of transformed and non-transformed tissues, and used an Artemia salina bioassay to do a preliminary screening for bioactive compounds.
Cheetham, R., Follansbee, E. and Weathers, P. (1996). TRANSFORMATION OF EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS BY AGROBACTERIUM RHIZOGENES. Acta Hortic. 426, 511-518
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1996.426.55

Acta Horticulturae