M.I. Biely, A. El Fahal, F.A. Minessy, A. Fatah Abdulla
Two banana cultivars, 'Bouga', a local selection, and 'Lacatan', an introduction from the USA, have been shown to be potentially suitable for cultivation under the adverse conditions in the dry northern parts of Sudan. Nitrogen has been found to be important for the production of continuing high yields of banana under the experimental conditions.

Low humidity, high summer temperatures and summer sand-storms may be partially responsible for low yields under the conditions prevailing at Hudeiba. 'Robusta', another imported cultivar, cannot be recommended for that area. Further work is required to evaluate the nitrogen requirements of banana plants at Hudeiba. Studies on banana pests and diseases are also required.

Biely, M.I., El Fahal, A., Minessy, F.A. and Fatah Abdulla, A. (1975). BANANA TRIALS IN NORTHERN SUDAN. Acta Hortic. 49, 275-280
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1975.49.35

Acta Horticulturae