Results showed that there were no significantly different on physical and chemical characteristics between the three treatments, but treatment 2 showed longer storage life than the other treatments. After 9 days at ambient temperature storage, fruits of treatment 2 were damaged as much as 8% for Arumanis cultivar and 6% for Manalagi cultivar Treatment 3 gave 25% of damaged fruits for Arumanis cultivar and 39% for Manalagi cultivar, while for treatment 1, damaged fruits reached as much as 29% for Arumanis cultivar and 66% for Manalagi cultivar Treatments 2 and 3 gave good result on organoleptic evaluation, which were better than treatment 1. Cost of handling method using treatment 2 around of Rp. 4,170.-/box for Arumanis cultivar and Rp. 3,910.-/box for Manalagi cultivar, for treatment 3 were Rp. 3,890.-/box for Arumanis cultivar and Rp. 3,630.-/box for Manalagi cultivar, while for treatment 1 was Rp. 1,950.-/box for Arumanis cultivar and Rp. 1,950.-/box for Manalagi cultivar. Handling method using treatment 2 and 3 could increased fruits' value at about 2–15% than that using treatment 1.
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.44