K. Yamashita
Mango production in Japan is restricted to the southmost district of the country. ‘Irwin’ grafted on Formosa seedling is cultivated in a plastic house to be free from winter injury and Anthracnose disease. Flower bud differentiation proceeds in autumn in response to cool weather on the terminal buds of the new shoots flushed after summer pruning. House heating starts in January with a night temperature regime over 23°C. Flowers open in February and fruits are harvested in June. This is the standard type. But another 2 types are developing to expand a harvesting period as one in May and the other in August. Flowering control is imperative to both types, so some good methods are expected to be established. In any type of cultivation, fully red-colored mature fruits with a Brix of over 15° are harvested. They are very expensive, but they satisfy urban consumers in replace of the low quality imported mango (10,000 t/year). Now the production of house-cultivated ‘Irwin’ mango in Japan is expected to reach 1000 t/year within several years.
Yamashita, K. (2000). MANGO PRODUCTION IN JAPAN. Acta Hortic. 509, 79-86
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.5
Japan, mango production

Acta Horticulturae