Raw mango pickle, chutney (paste) and powder (amchoor) are the delicacies of South Asia.
The processing of raw mango for pickle and chutney making is done by cutting mango into cubes or by peeling and grating.
All the processes of cutting, peeling and grating are done manually.
It needs upto 2000 labours for a 20 tonne per day capacity plant.
The capacity of the industry is usually limited by the availability of labour and limited period of raw mango availability.
The manual processing is also unhygenic.
The raw mango grader, slicer and cube cutter for pickle and peeler and grater for chutney and powder making have been developed.
The capacities of the machinery are grader 2 tonnes per hour, slicer 0.8 tonne per hour, cube cutter 0.5 tonne per hour, peeler and grater 1 tonne per hour.
The labour requirement with machinery is only 16% in comparison to manual operation.
The cost of cube cutting and grating is also 55% in comparison to manual operations.
Mandhar, S.C. and Senthil Kumaran, G. (2000). MACHINERY FOR RAW MANGO PROCESSING. Acta Hortic. 509, 523-530
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.60
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.60
machine, processing, raw mango