The project research is aimed to evaluate the biological products for controlling anthracnose of mango var.
Choke Anan integrated with the other control measures in the field.
Biological products formulated from Chaetomium (CC7+CG10) and Trichoderma (PC01+PC02) in the forms of pellets and suspension were tested in the field to control mango anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides during 1996–1997. Results showed that the Chaetomium's pellet which broadcasting to rhizosphere soil at the rate of 20 g/plant every 4 months amended with 5 kg of organic compost could significantly reduce the pathogen inoculum and disease incidence of 79.88 and 55.93 percent, respectively.
The plants treated with Trichoderma's pellets could also significantly reduce the pathogen inoculum and incidence of anthracnose of 81.26 and 55.53 percent, respectively when compared with the alternative spraying of the chemical fungicides such as Carbendazim, Zinep, Manep and Copper oxychloride which showed that the pathogen inoculum and disease incidence could reduce only 23.83 and 50.16 percent, respectively.
Disease levels during flower setting until harvesting fruits were compared in the rainy (off-season fruits) and summer seasons.
Results showed that in both seasons of the experiment, the plants treated with Chaetomium's pellets and spraying with the ascospore suspension of Chaetomium cupreum CC7 and C. globlosum CG10 at the rate of 22 x 1010 spore/ml in the same plants every month showed the same incidence of anthracnose on the fruits, as those plants treated with Trichoderma's pellet and spraying with spore suspension of Trichoderma harzianum PC01 and T. hamatum PC02 (404 x 1010) and those chemical fungicide treated ones.
It was observed that the biological treatments gave better yield than the chemical fungicides treatment.
Noiaium, S. and Soytong, K. (2000). INTEGRATED BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF MANGO VAR. CHOKE ANAN. Acta Hortic. 509, 769-778
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.91
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.509.91
Chaetomium cupreum, Chaetomium globosum, Trichoderma hamatum, Trichoderma harzianum, Mango Anthracnose