C. Ciavatta, A. Benedetti
Foliar application of mineral nutrients using sprays supplies nutrients to plants more rapidly than soil/root applications. However, this new method has transient effects and may cause leaf damage (necrosis and “burning”). Although root and foliar fertilisation are totally different, laws regulating fertiliser production and commercialisation in the European Union (EU) and its Member States are mainly addressed to the addition of nutrients via the soil-root system. Indications on the use of fertilisers for foliar sprays are available only in a few cases (liquid products). It is not currently mandatory to list important chemical parameters of foliar sprays, such as their electrical conductivity, sodium and chloride contents. Generally, fertilisers are divided into four main categories: 1) mineral fertilisers; 2) organic fertilisers; 3) organic-mineral fertilisers and 4) soil amendments and improvers. In the European Union only the category of mineral fertilisers (solids and liquids) is subjected to a common EU legislation (ECC 76/116 Directive). This category includes fertilisers i) N, P, K, NP, PK and NPK; ii) CaO, MgO, S and SO3; iii) B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn and iv) chelating agents, including EDTA, DTPA, EDDHA, HEDTA, EDDHMA and EDDCHA. This paper discusses general and specific aspects of foliar fertiliser application to perennial fruit plants in different European Countries, and suggests future lines of action in this important issue.
Ciavatta, C. and Benedetti, A. (2002). FOLIAR FERTILIZERS: LEGISLATIVE ASPECTS IN EUROPE. Acta Hortic. 594, 269-276
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2002.594.31
fertilizers, solubility, chelates, amino acids, electrical conductivity, racemisation, foliar-application

Acta Horticulturae