Dr. H.P. Müller
Combinations of cultured dairy products with fruit have become very popular in the last two decades because the biologically produced lactic acid complements, and often enhances, the taste of fruit. Modern consumer attitudes and forms of distribution require natural dairy products of constant quality throughout the year with a minimum shelf-life of two to three weeks under refrigerated conditions. A highly specialized industry has developed which supplies the dairy industry with fruit in the form of ready-to-use compounds which can simply be mixed with the appropriate dairy products.

The use of Vaccinium fruit with various dairy products is discussed. By far, the most popular product is yogurt, containing bilberry compounds, whereas the red whortleberry (lingonberry, Vaccinium vitis idaea L.) apparently has no special appeal to European consumers.

The preparation and quality control of fruit compounds for the dairy industry are briefly described.

In conclusion, bilberries are appreciated by consumers because of their specific texture, their flavor, and their intense color. The cultured varieties of Vaccinium corymbosum L. do not yet meet this last requirement which is decisive for their possible use in larger quantities by the dairy industry.

Müller, Dr. H.P. (1977). THE USE OF VACCINIUM FRUITS IN THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. Acta Hortic. 61, 343-347
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1977.61.43

Acta Horticulturae