M.H.A. Hoffman
The cultivars of the genus Taxus are up till now usually classified in species and interspecific hybrids. This system is not satisfactory anymore. Instead a new, more stable classification of six cultivar-groups is proposed here. The new classification is based on practical application (culton concept), while the old classification is based on genetic relationships (taxon concept). The definitions of the cultivar-groups are simple and clear, cultivars can be classified better and this system is easy to work with, even for non-specialists. The proposed cultivar-groups are: Adpressa Group, Fastigiata Group, Hedge Group, Nana Group, Repens Group, and Washington Group. The system is an extension and improvement of the system of cultivar-groups introduced by H.J. Welch in his manual of dwarf conifers.
Hoffman, M.H.A. (2004). CULTIVAR CLASSIFICATION OF TAXUS L. (TAXACEAE). Acta Hortic. 634, 91-96
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.634.11
cultivar-group, culton, taxonomy, systematics, yew

Acta Horticulturae