M. Volterrani, S. Magni
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) is sometimes used for warm-season grasses overseeding for quick establishment and early transition in the spring. In a field trial carried out in Pisa (Italy), 7 cultivars of annual ryegrass were overseeded in October on a Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis ‘Santa Ana’ turf maintained at two mowing heights (27 and 45 mm). The following evaluations were performed: emergence time, ground cover, cumulated height, color, texture, quality and surface hardness. Cumulated height lower values were recorded for the 27 mm mowing height. Ground cover increased during autumn and winter. In April, 80% and 90% ground cover were recorded respectively for the 27 mm and the 45 mm mowing height. In May and June, ryegrass progressively thinned. In the plots at 27 mm cutting height, ryegrass was more persistent. Cultivars were similar in color ratings, whereas the 27 mm mowing height caused a lighter green color, a finer texture and higher surface hardness values. The research showed that annual ryegrass allows a low cost overseeding of bermudagrass, is quick to establish and for short periods, tolerates low mowing heights.
Volterrani, M. and Magni, S. (2004). BERMUDAGRASS AUTUMN OVERSEEDING WITH ANNUAL RYEGRASS. Acta Hortic. 661, 353-356
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.661.47
Lolium multiflorum, hybrid bermudagrass, winter dormancy, ground cover, color, temporary polystand, transition

Acta Horticulturae