P. Vaysse, P. Reynier, L. Roche, O. Lavialle
Sensory evaluation plays a key role in characterizing different cultivars. This study compares the eating quality of new European cultivars (Pyrus communis L.) with those of traditional cultivars. Fruits were tasted by a trained panel after a period of cold storage followed by ripening to a firmness of about 1.5 kg. ‘Harrow Delicious’ and ‘Williams’ cultivars were compared and found to have similar eating quality, but ‘Williams’ had a higher rating for the “coarseness” criterion. ‘Elliot’, a bronze cultivar, was characterized by high astringency, but was otherwise comparable to ‘Conference’. ‘Winter Forelle’ was a remarkably stable cultivar with a characteristic high crunchiness rating, but its other sensory criteria received lower ratings. In the category represented by ‘Doyenné du Comice’, ‘Taylor’s Gold’ (a bronze cultivar) was characterized by strong gustatory qualities and marked astringency. ‘Angélys’ had eating quality very similar to those of ‘Doyenné du Comice’. ‘Verdi’ had more marked characteristics of astringency and high acidity.
Vaysse, P., Reynier, P., Roche, L. and Lavialle, O. (2005). SENSORY EVALUATION OF NEW PEAR CULTIVARS. Acta Hortic. 671, 341-347
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.671.48
Pyrus communis, fruit quality, ripe, eating quality, ‘Harrow Delicious’, ‘Williams’, ‘Elliot’, ‘Conference’, ‘Winter Forelle’, ‘Doyenné du Comice’

Acta Horticulturae