J.P. Sarraquigne
In France, the hazelnut industry is a rather recent phenomenon since the first commercial plantations were created the 1970s. The total surface area of hazelnut orchards owned by cooperatives is about to reach 2,500 hectares: this mainly corresponds to the area cultivated by only one cooperative; UNICOQUE. There are also a further 80-100 hectares in the hands of individual farmers. In addition, there is a tradition of hazelnut-growing on the isle of Corsica, with an estimated production area of around 250-300 hectares. However, in most years this production is not fully harvested. 1,800 hectares of the cooperative orchard are mature, as are the Corsican orchards.
Sarraquigne, J.P. (2005). HAZELNUT PRODUCTION IN FRANCE. Acta Hortic. 686, 669-672
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.686.89

Acta Horticulturae