W. Luo, C. Stanghellini, J. Dai, X. Wang, H.F. de Zwart, C. Bu
Adaptation of greenhouse climate management strategy to local climate conditions is very important for the improvement of resource use efficiency of greenhouse crop production. The objectives of this study were to explore the alternatives of the existing greenhouse climate control policy under Chinese subtropical climate conditions, through simulation analysis. Based on the calibrated and validated the Greenhouse Process (KASPRO) model using experimental data from a Dutch Venlo-type glass greenhouse in Shanghai, China, scenario studies were carried out to investigate the possible responses of crop biomass production to affordable means of climate management. In this paper we limited the study to greenhouse ventilation capacity, and canopy size, in a greenhouse without injection of CO2. The results show that for a cucumber crop under the summer conditions typical of Shanghai, an average of 26 volume changes per hour is required, which, in view of the prevailing wind speed, is ensured by a ratio of roof window area to greenhouse floor area about 0.3 (it is about 0.1 in Holland, for instance). A LAI of 4 maximizes crop biomass production, when accounting for the balance of assimilation, respiration and also for the evaporative cooling. The results obtained in this study show that many local climate factors must be taken into account for an optimal management of greenhouse design, crop and climate, and that a greenhouse climate simulator is a good tool for this analysis.
Luo, W., Stanghellini, C., Dai, J., Wang, X., de Zwart, H.F. and Bu, C. (2005). GREENHOUSE DESIGN AND CLIMATE MANAGEMENT SUITABLE FOR SUBTROPICAL SUMMER CONDITIONS IN CHINA. Acta Hortic. 691, 829-836
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.691.102
Number of air exchange, leaf area index, biomass production, roof opening area

Acta Horticulturae