The optimal operation of commercial hydroponic systems depends mainly on the appropriate timely management of the available water sources, especially under saline conditions, as well as on the optimal management of fertilizer injection.
In this paper, a decision support system (DSS) for the optimal, on-line, water and fertilizer management of hydroponics is presented.
An on-line system, which operates as a supervisor to other greenhouse computers for climate and hydroponics control, implements best management based on real present conditions.
An off-line part takes as inputs weather, greenhouse equipment, crop production, salinity tolerance data and water sources available, including their cost, and issues recommendations for optimal water management.
The recommendations are used by the grower to make decisions about required investments.
The grower can explore various scenarios until he reaches a final decision about the water sources to implement for his own targets.
The outputs are also fed into the on-line system as a guide to real-time optimal predictive management of water and nutrients supply.
Anastasiou, A., Ferentinos, K.P., Arvanitis, K.G., Sigrimis, N. and Savvas, D. (2005). DSS-HORTIMED FOR ON-LINE MANAGEMENT OF HYDROPONIC SYSTEMS. Acta Hortic. 691, 267-274
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.691.31
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.691.31
Hydroponics, decision support systems, salinity, irrigation