S. Novak Agbaba, B. Liovic, J. Medak, D. Slade
During the last few years the importance of preservation, protection, productivity and biologic diversity of sweet chestnut has been recognised. From 1994 Croatia participates in the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme in the framework of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. Sweet chestnut is included in this programme. Within the framework of scientific research the Forest Research Institute Jastrebarsko carries out investigations on chestnut blight disease, health condition of chestnut stands and protection measures. Research of the influence of the stand conditions on the intensity of the infection is performed. In addition to this, phytocenological research is performed in chestnut stands. The population structure of Cryphonectria parasitica has been studied, including detection of vc types, molecular genetics and the presence of hypoviruses in fungal isolates. In the region with the largest areas of sweet chestnut, the Forest Administrations of Sisak and Zagreb, methods of regeneration and protection of degraded forests of sweet chestnut have been developed. The genetic structure of the population of sweet chestnut will be analysed. Increasing interest on sweet chestnut as an exploitable wood and as a nut tree led to the establishment of new projects, especially with the aim of its protection.
Novak Agbaba, S., Liovic, B., Medak, J. and Slade, D. (2005). CHESTNUT RESEARCH IN CROATIA. Acta Hortic. 693, 49-54
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.693.3
Castanea sativa, Cryphonectria parasitica, research activities

Acta Horticulturae