G. Dren, S. Thurzo, Z. Szabo, J. Nveki, J. Racsko, I.J. Holb
During the winter of 2004/2005, the flower bud density of four types of fruit-bearing shoots and the changes in frost resistance were studied on 11 apricot cultivars. Significant differences were measured among the cultivars in the number of flower buds. Based on the results, the bud density of shorter shoots is generally higher, but this is not valid for all cultivars. There were fivefold and almost twofold (1.85) differences in bud density among cultivars on shoots shorter than 10 cm and longer than 40 cm, respectively. The ratio of bud densities of different types of shoots also ranged between wide boundaries. The frost resistance of the cultivars was examined by artificial freezing. The highest damage was obtained on ‘Robada’, which had the highest flower bud density. At the end of the winter, the damage due to natural frosts was also assessed. The shoots of 10-20 cm length were the least damaged.
Dren, G., Thurzo, S., Szabo, Z., Nveki, J., Racsko, J. and Holb, I.J. (2006). FRUIT-BEARING SHOOT CHARACTERISTICS OF APRICOT CULTIVARS IN HUNGARY. Acta Hortic. 717, 83-86
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2006.717.14
apricot, bud density, frost injury, bearing shoot

Acta Horticulturae