J. Egea
Apricot is a species far less cultivated than other Prunus species, particularly peaches and plums. This agrees with the fact that the concern about its breeding is more recent and limited than that of the above-mentioned species. On the other hand, due to the fact that its cultivation is mainly limited to the Mediterranean areas, the breeding objectives are frequently restricted to these climatic requirements. Meanwhile, the breeding stocks have not been enlarged for targeting other, wider objectives. The lower economic importance of this species, as well as the more recent concern for breeding, has resulted in a limited number of parents which are useful in order to reach many of the pursued objectives. However, in the last twenty years and following the impulse given to the breeding programmes by the RAVSA after its start in 1986, significant progress has occurred regarding the overcoming of the difficulties which still limit the progress of this species.
Egea, J. (2006). APRICOT GERMPLASM: DIVERSITY AND LIMITS. Acta Hortic. 717, 129-132
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2006.717.25
apricot, breeding, germplasm, species survival

Acta Horticulturae