Z. Gyorgy, P. Neubauer, A. Tolonen, A. Hohtola
Rhodiola rosea (rose root) is an adaptogenic medicinal plant mainly used in Asia, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The pharmaceutically important compounds – a phenol glycoside salidroside, and cinnamyl alcohol glycosides rosin, rosavin and rosarin - are accumulated in the rhizome. Field cultivation of this plant takes several years to obtain satisfactory content of the active compounds. An alternative source of these compounds is the production in cell cultures. Compact callus aggregate (CCA) cultures of Rhodiola rosea were established. We found that no secondary compounds are produced in callus. We report here that the stimulation of the production of cinnamyl alcohol glycosides is possible by biotransformation of cinnamyl alcohol. Besides rosin and rosavin we found four new, unexpected compounds, which were identified and named “337”, “481”, “483” and “321” after their the m/z-ratio of the sodium adducts (M+Na = M+23) of the compounds, i.e. their molecular peaks seen in MS-spectra. We also investigated the possibility of further increasing the yield of the biotransformation products. When also glucose was added to the media the production of the investigated secondary metabolites (rosin, 337, 481, 483, 321) was doubled. Rosavin was not produced at all when only sucrose was used in the media. The formation of the compounds was followed by daily sampling. The accumulation of rosin and compound 321 was similar, increasing in the first days and than staying around one level, while compounds 481, 483 and 337 were increasing continuously. Rosavin reached its maximum on the ninth day, and than it decreased.
Gyorgy, Z., Neubauer, P., Tolonen, A. and Hohtola, A. (2006). ENHANCING THE BIOTRANSFORMATION RATE OF RHODIOLA ROSEA CALLUS CULTURES. Acta Hortic. 725, 613-620
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2006.725.85
cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamyl glycosides, rosin, rosavin, compact callus aggregates, secondary metabolites

Acta Horticulturae