J.S. Pade, R.L. Nelson
Over the years we have gathered information about aquaponics from researchers, hands-on growing, hobbyists, aquaculturists, commercial hydroponic growers and manufacturers of greenhouses. We put that knowledge together with properly manufactured components and come up with practical, commercially viable, food producing machines. When that food producing machine uses fish waste to provide the nutrients for the plants, it is generally called aquaponics. When an aquaponic system is used to provide nutrition, in the form of fish and vegetables, to people who live nearby, we call it “Village Aquaponics”. We believe “Village Aquaponics” can be a viable means of providing protein and vegetables to people in developed as well as developing nations.
Pade, J.S. and Nelson, R.L. (2007). VILLAGE AQUAPONICS. Acta Hortic. 742, 197-199
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.742.26

Acta Horticulturae