X.P. Chen, J.M. Jiang, X.D. Xu, S.Q. Zheng
Fruit tissue structure and anatomical features of 9 cultivars of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) were analyzed from paraffin section. Tissue structure of pericarp and pulp were useful for classification and identification of loquat cultivars. The pericarp appearance and fruit storability were related to the thickness of the cuticle layer, the attachments of skin (fuzz, fruit powder), the number of cell layer in exodermis, the size and shape of cells and the thickness of cell walls. The presence of crack-starting points and rusting point (developing secondary protective tissue) was the internal causes that lead to dehiscent fruit and rust spots respectively. The study brought forward a perfect model of loquat skin structure. The texture of pulp (tenderness, thickness and rigidity) was related to the size of thin-walled cells and the amount of stone cells in the mesocarp. Mesocarp structure explains why white fleshed loquats are tender in texture and more delicious than red fleshed loquat.
Chen, X.P., Jiang, J.M., Xu, X.D. and Zheng, S.Q. (2007). FRUIT TISSUE STRUCTURE OF LOQUAT CULTIVARS. Acta Hortic. 750, 253-258
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.750.40
Eriobotrya japonica, morphology

Acta Horticulturae