R.-Y. Yang, J. Wu, D. Chen, M. Lin, R. Shiao, G. Kuo
Vegetables provide food diversity and beneficial nutrients and phytochemicals in diets. However, many of the plant crops remain underutilized and are not known for their nutritional and functional values. In this report, 120 edible plant species, mostly native to tropical and subtropical zones were investigated for their nutritional values and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Wide variation exists among species for vitamins including β-carotene (0−22 mg), ascorbate (1−353 mg), tocopherols (0−71 mg), folate (3−175 mg); minerals including iron (0.2−26 mg) and calcium (2−744 mg); total phenolics (0.02−12 g); and antioxidant activities (0−82 mmole trolox equivalent). Eight species out of 34 vegetables with high phenolic values possessed anti-staphylococcus and/or anti-salmonella activities. Compared to popular vegetables, many plants, such as moringa, sweetpotato leaves, amaranth, nightshade and Chinese cedar, are easy to grow and have high nutraceutical values. Increased consumption of these vegetables could help improve human nutrition worldwide. The nutraceutical assessment of a wide range of vegetable species provides information fundamental to the selection and promotion of indigenous vegetables for increased utilization and better nutrition.
Yang, R.-Y., Wu, J., Chen, D., Lin, M., Shiao, R. and Kuo, G. (2007). DISTRIBUTION OF EDIBLE PLANTS FOR NUTRACEUTICAL VALUES. Acta Hortic. 752, 115-122
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.752.15
Indigenous vegetables, nutrition, antioxidant, anti-bacteria, dietary diversity

Acta Horticulturae