J. Burdon, M. Wang, E. Friel, N. Lallu
SmartFreshSM (Agrofresh Inc.) is a commercial formulation of 1-methylcyclopropene that blocks ethylene action in plant material and retards softening in kiwifruit. SmartFreshSM treated kiwifruit soften to eating ripe, but it has been suggested that treatment may reduce volatiles that affect fruit acceptability. The effect of SmartFreshSM on 'Hayward' and 'Hort16A' kiwifruit volatiles was examined using fruit from four orchards. Fruit were SmartFreshSM treated commercially after harvest and assessed for volatiles twice during storage (11 and 24 weeks at 0°C for 'Hayward'; 9 and 13 weeks at 1.5°C for 'Hort16A') and twice during shelf life at 20°C (after 1 day and when at 0.6 – 0.8 kgf (5.9 – 7.8 N) for 'Hayward'; after 1 and 4 days for 'Hort16A'). Overall, the amounts and profile of volatiles produced by SmartFreshSM treated fruit were similar to those of untreated fruit. Total volatile data are presented to illustrate the main effects of SmartFreshSM, storage and orchard differences. 'Hayward' kiwifruit from four orchards differed in their capacity to produce volatiles, 15–28 μg/g total volatiles after 11 weeks of storage, declining to 9–12 μg/g after 24 weeks of storage. After 11 weeks of storage, the longer the time for SmartFreshSM treated 'Hayward' kiwifruit to reach 0.6–0.8 kgf firmness, compared with untreated fruit, the lower the volatile production. However, after 24 weeks of storage, there was little difference between SmartFreshSM treated and untreated fruit at 0.6–0.8 kgf, as volatile production capacity had declined naturally in storage and the prolonged shelf life of SmartFreshSM treated fruit made no difference. Results for 'Hort16A' were similar to those for 'Hayward', although there was no decline with storage, and volatile production remained at a relatively low level throughout storage. It is concluded that the volatile production and profile of SmartFreshSM treated kiwifruit is likely to be within the range of production and profiles found in untreated fruit. SmartFreshSM treatment does not result in any unpleasant odours in kiwifruit.
Burdon, J., Wang, M., Friel, E. and Lallu, N. (2007). AROMA VOLATILES OF SMARTFRESHSM TREATED 'HAYWARD' AND 'HORT16A' KIWIFRUIT. Acta Hortic. 753, 763-768
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.753.100
Actinidia, 1-methylcyclopropene, 1-MCP, storage

Acta Horticulturae