Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is known in Tanzania by the local Swahili name Shelisheli. The main growing areas are the humid lowland areas from sea level to 1500 m in the Coastal regions of Tanga, Coast and Morogoro.
A study conducted in the Morogoro district assessed the importance of breadfruit in terms of its level of production, socio-economic role, cropping system, production constraints and potential.
Households grow seven trees on average, located near the house with other fruit trees.
Breadfruit is rarely grown in the household land far from the house.
It is grown on a small scale, with the fruit used mainly for home consumption and is only traded locally.
The level of production is consequently low at the national level.
Its potential as a food crop has not been fully utilized, as it is only used by boiling the fruit as a vegetable and as a supplement to staple food crops such maize, plantains, cassava and sweet potato.
It has the advantage of being a continuous bearer and more productive during seasons when production of other crops is lacking.
Trees are not distinguished in terms of cultivars, although variations in form (spreading and erect types) can be recognized.
The difficulty of propagating the plant by traditional techniques using root shoots is one of the reasons limiting the number of trees farmers can grow.
No research and development work has been done to promote this crop in Tanzania.
Mapping the distribution, abundance and areas suited for production, characterization of local cultivars, germplasm introduction, development of efficient propagation techniques and improvement of cultural practices would enhance development of the crop.
Maerere, A.P. and Mgembe, E.R. (2007). BREADFRUIT PRODUCTION IN TANZANIA: CURRENT STATUS AND POTENTIAL. Acta Hortic. 757, 129-134
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.757.17
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.757.17
Artocarpus altilis, plant production, Uluguru mountains, underutilized crops