The cordon is applied mostly in vineyards, but their use is often extended to other fruits production as well, because tillage is easy and definite.
The row - with respect to mechanical operations-can be dimensioned and designed for an optimal mechanical harvesting with minimal damages to crops and plants.
Many experiment results have been performed, but theoretically based methods, based on row-harvester interaction, are still missing.
A mathematical model to analyse of the row and harvester interactions was developed.
Parameters of this model were calculated with measurements in different vineyards, because these depend on the varieties of the plants and row constructions.
For characterisation of the crop detachment a statistical fatigue diagram was calculated from the test results.
For optimization, a relation among the damping parameter of a certain row, the drawing force of the cordon wire, the specific load, the vibration parameters of harvester, and the grape detachment, were made.
Afterwards, these relations were checked with concrete investigations in different vineyards and under different circumstances.
Results show that the elastic parameter of cordon wire doesnt play an important role for the trellis.
A special fixation instrument at intermediate post, for optimal vibration was constructed (Fig. 10). Suitable horizontal motion of the cordon wire was allowed with this system.
By the above described method, the best working parameters of harvester could be determined.
Fenyvesi, L. and Fenyvesi, D. (2008). OPTIMIZATION OF A SUPPORTING DEVICE FOR MECHANICAL HARVESTING. Acta Hortic. 768, 423-429
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.768.55
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.768.55
mechanical harvesting, construction, harvesting and trellis parameters