A. Aytekin Polat, G. Öztürk Ördek
Grafting success rate in walnut (Juglans regia L.) is lower than most other fruit species which adversely affects nurseries in Turkey. Studies were made to determine the most successful grafting method and optimum grafting period in Antakya, where the Mediterranean climate predominates. We compared four different grafting methods (patch budding, chip budding, cleft grafting and whip-and-tongue grafting). Budding was performed at 6 periods in May, June and September at 15 days intervals; grafts were made at the beginning of March. Different budding bands (budding rubber and cotton thread) and wrapping materials (paper bags and aluminum foil) were evaluated. Budding bands were removed 5 weeks after budding and observations were made after 10 days. Key results are as follow: (1) The grafting success rate for patch budding was higher than chip budding; (2) The highest success rate for patch budding was on 20 June (43%), while for chip budding on 15 September (13%); (3) The use of budding rubber (14%) was more successful than that of cotton thread (9.7%). The wrapping material produced significant differences depending on the year; and (4) Cleft grafting provided a higher success rate compared to whip-and-tongue grafting.
Aytekin Polat, A. and Öztürk Ördek, G. (2008). INCREASING GRAFTING SUCCESS RATE ON WALNUT . Acta Hortic. 772, 253-256
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2008.772.39
Juglans regia, budding, plant propagation

Acta Horticulturae