N. Preeda, T. Yanagi, N. Okuda
Information about a suitable cropping system and environmental conditions is necessary to grow Fragaria vesca plants for commercial production. This research was conducted to evaluate the growth and productivity of everbearing F. vesca cultivars grown under a forcing culture, semi-forcing culture, and late semi-forcing culture. Results showed that the mean growth rate of the cultivars in the forcing culture was the lowest among these cropping systems. Significant differences were found in the number of harvested fruits, the fruit weight per plant, and the total soluble solids (TSS) among the cultivars in all cropping systems. The number of harvested fruits, the fruit weight per plant, and the total soluble solids were highest for ‘Alba’ in all cropping systems. Furthermore, significant correlation was identified between the inflorescences per plant and branch numbers per plant (r=0.77) and between the number of harvested fruits per plant and the fruit weight per plant (r=0.977).
Preeda, N., Yanagi, T. and Okuda, N. (2009). EVALUATION OF WOOD STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA VESCA) PRODUCTIVITY. Acta Hortic. 842, 87-90
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2009.842.2
cropping system, forcing culture, semi-forcing culture, late semi-forcing culture, alpine strawberry

Acta Horticulturae