Y. Diczbalis, B. Nicholls, I. Groves, K. Lake
Australia has an abundance of native Sapindaceae, with a few species that are considered to have an edible aril. A number of these have minor ‘bush food’ status but have limited commercial potential. Longan, lychee and rambutan were introduced into Australia from the mid 1800s. Serious commercialization of these crops began from the 1970s when farmers in sub-tropical and tropical regions of Australia were seeking new commercial horticultural opportunities. Currently the value of these industries is in the vicinity of $35 M with lychee the predominate crop followed by longan and rambutan respectively. Despite Australia being a minor producer on the world scale it has contributed significantly to the scientific and production developments through the combined efforts of researchers and innovative growers. This paper details the development and status of the commercial Sapindaceae in Australia and highlights production and research activities.
Diczbalis, Y., Nicholls, B., Groves, I. and Lake, K. (2010). SAPINDACEAE PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH IN AUSTRALIA. Acta Hortic. 863, 49-58
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.863.4
Sapindaceae, lychee, longan, rambutan, Australia

Acta Horticulturae