The present study was aimed to assess the quality and acceptability of some value added litchi products which have been essentially tailored to satisfy the health needs and prevent wastage.
Litchi, the queen of subtropics is having extremely short post harvest life.
A few innovative and value added items prepared from the fruit include cordial, blended squash and nectar with jamun, burfee, cheese, chutney, dehydrated litchi nut, osmo-dried litchi nut, pulp and osmo-syrup.
Organoleptic, biochemical and microbial load of different products were analysed using standard procedures.
All the prepared products were stored at both ambient as well as refrigerated temperature.
Their storage stability was assessed periodically for 4 months to one year depending upon the products and also on storage condition.
Microbial load were within permissible level in different products immediately after formulation and on storage ensuring its safety for consumption.
Blended squash was acceptable for up to one year at both temperatures, nectar seven months and cordial up to eight months at room temperature and both nectar and cordial for eleven and twelve months respectively at refrigerated temperature.
The acceptability of cheese and chutney was up to one year and burfee up to five months at ambient temperature.
Osmo-dried nuts up to ten months under room condition, pulp and osmo syrup may be stored for one year and four months respectively at refrigerated temperature without much loss in their sensory attributes and microbial load far below the critical range.
Chakraborty, I., Chaurasiya, A.K. and Saha, J. (2010). LITCHI DELICACIES – FEW VALUE ADDED ITEMS PAR EXCELLENCE. Acta Hortic. 863, 637-644
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.863.90
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.863.90
litchi, value added products, organoleptic test, biochemical parameters, microbial load count