Zoysiagrass is a warm season grass native to Asia and South Pacific, adapted to the transition, warm-arid and warm-humid climatic zones.
Nevertheless, large differences occur between species and genotypes of Zoysiagrass in establishment rate, adaptation to low temperature and winter injury.
The objective of the study, carried out from July 2007 to November 2008 at the research station of Centre for Research on Turfgrass for Environment and Sports, University of Pisa, was to evaluate the differences in establishment rate and adaptation to the latitude of coastal Tuscany of 5 cultivars of Zoysia japonica, 2 cultivars of Zoysia matrella, Zoysia tenuifolia and 2 interspecific hybrids of Zoysia japonica × Z. pacifica. Establishment rate, turf quality and colour and linear stolon growth were assessed in the trial period.
Results show fast turf establishment for Zoysia japonica El Toro and De Anza yet in fall 2007. In June 2008 all cultivars reach complete establishment except Zoysia japonica × Z. pacifica HT 210 and Zoysia tenuifolia, which delay until the end of summer.
Highest turf quality was observed for both Zoysia matrella cultivars and for Zoysia japonica × Z. pacifica hybrids, while lowest was Zenith. Fall colour retention drops at the end of December for all cultivars.
Green-up starts at the end of February for all the cultivars, being the fastest Zoysia japonica × Z. pacifica Emerald, Zoysia japonica El Toro and Victoria, and Zoysia matrella Zeon. The research shows that both Zoysia matrella cultivars and Zoysia japonica × Z. pacifica Emerald were able to quickly reach full ground cover like the fastest Zoysia japonica.
Volterrani, M., Grossi, N., Gaetani, M. and Pompeiano, A. (2010). ZOYSIAGRASS CULTIVAR ESTABLISHMENT RATE AND TURF QUALITY IN CENTRAL ITALY. Acta Hortic. 881, 313-316
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.881.42
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.881.42
stolon growth, temperature, ground cover, green up, correlation