B. Leinauer, E. Sevostianova, M. Serena, M. Schiavon, S. Macolino
High temperatures, limited precipitation, and uneven annual rainfall distribution in many parts of the world limit the sustainability of adequate turfgrass growth and quality unless frequent and abundant irrigation is applied. In addition, lawn irrigation in residential and industrial areas in particular has been identified as a major source of high potable water use during the summer months, as irrigation water is applied in excess of a evapotranspirative demand. Consequently, strategies aimed at conserving potable water use for turf irrigation are encouraged. There are several options to reduce or eliminate the amount of potable water used for turf. First, potable water used for irrigation could be eliminated completely and replaced by recycled or low quality ground water that does not meet standards for human consumption. Second, low water use grasses that are adapted to the local climatic conditions present could be used. Third, adopting the most efficient available method of irrigation would reduce water losses significantly, and finally, a combination of all three measures could be used. The paper will discuss the impact of all the aforementioned strategies on turfgrass irrigation water use in an urban landscape.
Leinauer, B., Sevostianova, E., Serena, M., Schiavon, M. and Macolino, S. (2010). CONSERVATION OF IRRIGATION WATER FOR URBAN LAWN AREAS. Acta Hortic. 881, 487-492
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.881.78
turfgrass benefits, saline irrigation water, salinity remediation, evapo¬transpiration, cold, traffic, salinity tolerance, subsurface irrigation

Acta Horticulturae