Sulfur and magnesium are two macronutrient elements for plants and other organisms.
Sulfur has different roles in plants such as; amino acids production and adjustment of growth controllers the same as thiamine, resistance of plants in cold because of sulfhydryl, increasing of oil in oleaginous plants.
Also the roles of magnesium in plants are different; it is activator of numerous enzymes especially active of phosphorus carriers, in the metabolism of hydrocarbon, particularly in the citric acid cycle and plants respiration, also magnesium with sulfur has an effect in the production of oil in plants.
In this study for examination of sulfur and magnesium on oil seed of Phoenix dactylifera Shahani four levels of magnesium were used (0, 40, 80, 120 mg Mg kg-1 soil) by Mg(NO3)2 and four levels of sulfur (0, 40, 80, 120 mg S kg-1 soil) by (NH4)2SO4. These treatments were added to the soil in the first half of February and irrigation was done by drip method.
In end of September harvest took place and seeds were separated from fruits and ground.
Then oil was separated from other seeds parts by boiling water.
The results of this experiment are shown; increasing the magnesium application had a positive significant effect on seed oil.
A level of 120 mg of magnesium had a positive significant effect on seed oil compared to the control and other magnesium levels and this level increased seed oil by 15% related to the control.
Levels of 80 and
120 mg sulfur had no significant effect with other, but they had a significant effect with other levels, especially with the control, these levels increased seed oil by 12% related to the control.
When these elements were used together, with a higher application of these elements seed oil was increased.
The highest amount of seed oil was obtained with the treatment with 120 mg magnesium and 80 mg sulfur; it showed a positive significant increase compared to other treatments and increased the seed oil by 15% related to the control.
The statistical design applied in this study was a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with sixteen treatments and three replications.
Means comparisons are compared by Duncans test.
For statistical analysis of data the computer software MSTATC was used.
Ejraei, A. (2010). INTERACTION OF SULFUR AND MAGNESIUM ON PALM OIL SEED. Acta Hortic. 882, 769-771
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.882.85
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.882.85
magnesium, sulfur, oil, seed, palm