S. Vero, G. Garmendia
The use of biocontrol agents to inhibit postharvest pathogens has shown great potential. However, there have been many obstacles to their implementation as a feasible commercial strategy. A lack of understanding of how to integrate microbial agents with commercial processing practices in packing houses has been one of the main problems. Many physical and chemical treatments intended to minimize postharvest losses are also being incorporated into standard processing lines. A detailed analysis of the possible interactions of these alternative treatments with biocontrol agents is essential to achieve successful results. This paper reports a number of treatments that are used in combination with biocontrol agents and discusses the potential of an integrated approach to minimize postharvest losses.
Vero, S. and Garmendia, G. (2011). INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO POSTHARVEST BIOCONTROL. Acta Hortic. 905, 123-134
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.905.12
disease management, physical treatments, antagonists, heat treatments

Acta Horticulturae