Stability and ability to produce enough seed material is of a strategic importance for every country with serious agricultural production.
Breeding centers in Republic of Serbia represent the main base of seed production for both field and vegetable crops.
They fulfill the assortment through the breeding process.
Seed production, packing and distribution are both in private and state firms.
The produced seed only partly accomplishes the needs in the Republic of Serbia, while a part of the assortment is imported.
Regarding vegetable production, it is almost certain that farmers use, except for the organic (dynamic, bio and other production) their own seeds, i.e. seeds collected and reproduced in different areas.
This kind of reproduction is, surely, of the worse quality.
Serbian government is aiming to stop this illegal seed production by trying to force the law in order to accomplish at least the minimal quality of seed.
Assortment in Serbia is adjusted to agro-ecological conditions of Balkan Peninsula and has found its market all over Balkan and Europe.
During the existence of the former Yugoslavia seed production has been sufficient for the country and even exported, mostly to the former USSR. In the last four years vegetable seed has been produced in 956 ha in 2007 (457 ha potato), 1152 (464 ha potato) in 2008, 1219 ha (380 ha potato) in 2009 and 976 ha (301 ha potato) in 2010.
Zdravković, M., Zdravković, J., Cvikić, D., Pavlović, N., Bocanski, J., Djokovic, V. and Pavlović, R. (2012). PRODUCTION OF VEGETABLE AND POTATO SEED IN SERBIA . Acta Hortic. 960, 117-120
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.15
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.15
seed production, seed, areas, yield